Wednesday 3 October 2012

Framing spaces, between places, and the potential of that space

I couldn't throw this frame away after performing in it a year ago. I kept it and now frames my studio space (photo to be uploaded).
It creates a new space, contains a transferable space, or subsumes which ever space it occupies- the objects and/or the immaterial processes that occur there.
I have been thinking about the ethnological role of my practice- of researching and analyzing the function or physical spaces within the art school. I am gathering documents of the real processes and objects that manifest or belong within the institutional frame of the art school.
I am starting to consider this frame as a space of potentiality. A space within which plastic and social, literal and metaphorical experimentation can take place. It is withing this space that I with to frame my intentions as an artist, as the physical boundaries of my creativity, as the epicenter of creative activity. It will also create a frame(work) to generate criticality amongst contributors, viewers and myself.
I wish to carry the frame around different parts of the art school and document its physicality in relation to the changing surrounding spaces to consider the potential sites for my events to take place in. To also show an awareness of the different spaces in college- their appearance, dimensions, functions and visibility within the infrastructural framework. As spaces where new structures can be explored, perhaps using old models to open-ends.

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