Thursday 27 September 2012

Roundtable discussion

Alyssa and I have decided, for our Project Space next Tuesday, to hold a roundtable discussion evaluating our Slateford Green Horror Film Project. We have invited Harry and Senga from the Residents' Association, and  Zoe and Susan  from ECA to participate alongside the Intermedia final years who would be attending the crit anyway.
We plan to Set up our posters, masks, projection of the film, and photographs around the room, and then have a circle of tables to sit at and hold a discussion.
I suppose, Alyssa and I will chair the discussion; commence and guide it. Perhaps we will start by asking Harry and Senga to talk about their involvement in the project and their involvement with Slateford Green.
We can break the process down into the chunks: workshops, film,  exhibition and launch. We could assess each part individually- which bits worked and which didn't.
 We can then open up the floor for more directed questions...
Due to the bad acoustics in the Project Space studio, we are looking for alternative spaces. So far we think that the the conference room at the end of the Intermedia corridor will be best. We need good acoustics because Alyssa and I plan on filming and voice-recording the project space.
Here was another space we considered- although I am not sure the acoustics would be much better than the Project Space:

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