Tuesday 25 September 2012

back to head

I brought this piece up yesterday in my tutorial with Anita, as a piece of mine that I really liked and that also had several readings to it. When I said that I didn't disclose that the bust was my Dad, because I didn't want to give it a finite reading, she said that my intention could be to keep it open. If that was indeed my intention, then that had to manifest itself through some kind of supplementary narrative that indeed could be within its title.

I immediately thought of the Alec Findlay's Mesostic Remedy project that I had spent so much time with at Jupiter Artland this summer. On those bottles, the words that were inscribed carried with them so many levels of meaning. Each word on its own opens a multitude of associations, unique and personal to the viewer. But also collectively as a group of words- as a sentence of as a constituting a bigger abstract idea- each bottle was unique in itself, but also to the viewer. Ambiguity is present when looking at the bottles, but it is a conscious and insightful ambiguity and that is something that should be made clearer in my own work. As it too can be read on many levels and individually personal to the viewer.

So here is a list of the different names I was considering to give to this bust/ or indeed could be given to it as accurate readings:

  Our Father
From Memory

  our fAther


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